Thursday, October 17, 2019

Unit 1. LO2 and LO3 - Distribution - in lesson

Date in books:    Today complete :

All of LO 2.3 Distributing media products to audiences/ key terms.

Group activity in pairs: Your media consumption: Q1 & Q2 (pages 9 and 10) answer in full. started as homework. - 15 minutes

Write out all of Impact of online distribution page 10 & 11 plus key terms. 20 minutes

KNOW IT  - write out the three questions and answer in full. 10 minutes

Learning Outcome 3
Pair up and complete Getting Started - create a simple chart in your exercise books and complete - 15 minutes.

Why codes and conventions are important write out all on page 11- (not 1st paragraph).    Include all key terms.

Homework in class exercise books - 
Take purple booklets home and complete up to the end of 
page 11.

Books will be marked on Monday evening

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Unit 3 Lessons 7 & 8 (Task 4) Post Production Techniques and Processes

  Virtual Tutor: EXAMPLE: Go to Learning Outcome 4 on above ...