Thursday, January 30, 2020

Exporting Jpegs from InDesign

Goto File - Export - dialogue box appears - save as type - JPEG

You can then goto Blogger and click on insert image logo and find your image and add in easily.

All Front cover pages and double page spreads to be added from today's lesson please. 

Annotate explaining how you created your pages and include image if it was the photocopy sheets.

Have fun and enjoy designing.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Text Wrap - Inverted and Various examples

Below you will find a number of text wrap variations.

Your task is to complete three of these designs using your own original photographic images.

Look carefully at the images and how they are used to 
emphasis the content of the piece/ story.

My example - inverted text wrap. 
Prominent letters and inside shape using pen tool - see class demonstration.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Final check blog before parents evening

hi - Miss mcdonald and I will be having a final check of your blogs before we speak to parents
This will happen this Thursday
all outstanding work and commentaries need to be posted

For me the most recent would be the moving carton lip sink and the magazine visualisation diagrams.

front cover
contents page
double page spread

scanned or photographed and annotated in terms of your design decisions, what the images and articles will be.

Monday, January 27, 2020

How to Text Wrap

Please take a look at these tutorials for help and guidance after viewing my demonstration - you need to know your file formats to help with this task

Today we are exploring various text wraps in InDesign.

1). Set up an A4 page, 4 column grid, 5mm margins all around, include 1 shape, 2 x image (1 jpeg 1 png). 

Follow my instructions and the tutorials above to create two or three front covers with text wraps on. 
Practice, practice, practice.

Upload all completed pages on your blog with annotation describing how you created your pages.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

InDesign - Photoshop - Thumbnails

Hi guys,
today you are to complete all InDesign work set so far.

All thumbnails complete and uploaded on your blog.
Single page, cover page.
Double page spreads - DPS.
Include all original images of front page too. 
Paragraph on the structure of each page. Use codes and convention sheet handed in your exercise books.

All InDesign A4 pages to be completed based on Thumbnails - post both on blog with evaluate process and ease of use etc. Use correct terminology/ tools all in your exercise books (handouts of tools).

A4 page with your face on from last lesson must be completed and added - discuss your use of Photoshop and InDesign and the translation of images / text. Image manipulation/ DTP.

All to be posted.

EXtension work: Look at a double page spread (dps) in a magazine or newspaper (your choice).
Create a set of thumbnails with labels.
Recreate the DPS using both Photoshop and InDesign - lorem ipsum as text.

Photograph original page and post all onto blog with analysis/ labels.
I will be assessing you all on MOnday in lesson.

Have fun
Mrs McD-H

Monday, January 13, 2020

Graphic Communication & Adobe InDesign No.1 Thumbnails


Give eight examples of Magazine thumbnails with the original magazine.   
Cover, Double Page Spread  and Index

Codes & Conventions 
(Use handout from lesson to complete task)

Getting started in InDesign - Basic Page layout - You Must follow and pop your page on your blog

Top 10 InDesign Tips - Basics

File Formats
Answer the following question and make a post with visuals:
Q. Explain how different types of graphic images and audio relate to file formats.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Examples of good blog layouts

One of your units is an on-line professional profile - below are some good examples for you to have a look at - we will organise ours more along these lines as we progress with work to populate the profile with ( mainly next year)

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

EXAM DATES 2020 & Revision

Your Christmas revision papers will be helping you prepare for your formal exams next week.

You have all sat a number of papers over the past two/ three weeks and you should now be far more confident with your responses. 

All mark schemes allow you to see the correct answers and to mark yourself as well as me marking.

Reading the mark schemes will give you a clear understanding of the moderators decisions.

YOU MUST be revising all of your Unit 1 and Unit 2 work from last year (in your files/ yellow books and from booklets handed out).

YOU MUST have examples of media products we have studied from booklets and via discussion: 
ie Newspapers, Tabloid, Broadsheet, Mail, Sun, Star, Times, Guardian, Video games, Assassins Creed Series, Film , Bond etc all in unit 1.

Know your theorists. Unit 1 & Unit 2 booklets.

Media Companies - Comcast (Universal), Sony, 20th Century Fox (Fox, Sky), etc Unit 1 booklet



UNIT 1 : Media Products and Audiences
Thursday 9th January 2020  (afternoon)

UNIT 2: Pre-Production and Planning
Tuesday 14th January 2020  (afternoon)

Unit 3 Lessons 7 & 8 (Task 4) Post Production Techniques and Processes

  Virtual Tutor: EXAMPLE: Go to Learning Outcome 4 on above ...