Wednesday, January 22, 2020

InDesign - Photoshop - Thumbnails

Hi guys,
today you are to complete all InDesign work set so far.

All thumbnails complete and uploaded on your blog.
Single page, cover page.
Double page spreads - DPS.
Include all original images of front page too. 
Paragraph on the structure of each page. Use codes and convention sheet handed in your exercise books.

All InDesign A4 pages to be completed based on Thumbnails - post both on blog with evaluate process and ease of use etc. Use correct terminology/ tools all in your exercise books (handouts of tools).

A4 page with your face on from last lesson must be completed and added - discuss your use of Photoshop and InDesign and the translation of images / text. Image manipulation/ DTP.

All to be posted.

EXtension work: Look at a double page spread (dps) in a magazine or newspaper (your choice).
Create a set of thumbnails with labels.
Recreate the DPS using both Photoshop and InDesign - lorem ipsum as text.

Photograph original page and post all onto blog with analysis/ labels.
I will be assessing you all on MOnday in lesson.

Have fun
Mrs McD-H

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