Sunday, February 7, 2021

Unit 23 EXAMPLE Layout of blog - 8.2.21

Below you will find examples of two blogs where students have set out their work in order and referred to all digital work created during the past two years. 

Look through them for inspiration and to assist in your unit 23 blog post layout.

Add information to your own blog that you can see you have not added based on the work I set for you. 

The more you give an explanation on your posts, images, links etc the better.

Based on your initial mind maps at the beginning of the unit you will be able to create an in depth list/ table of work created, methods used, software used, equipment used, file format saved in and how you have displayed it. See examples below

Unit 23 media products example tables - email out from one drive


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Blog Must be populated with all Unit 23 work set for Assessment week 8.2.21

4th Feb 2021 work set for today:

You must sign in lesson for the register, you will then focus on the following in the two hour lesson. 

It will be a lesson where you get on with work today. 

I will not be teaching you face to face, its time to get things completed based on our one to one feedback last week.

You must email me to say all work is uploaded by 11am today.
  1. Your Blog must be populated with the following information that we have been working on for the past five weeks. 
  2. The failure to do this will possibly result in changes to CAG grades.
  3. All work was set on each blog post and you must complete in full. 
  4. Remember your blog has to be enticing to the reader, images, interactivity, pieces to camera are essential.
  5. You must have this information in full with examples, images, links, analysis and personal thoughts for full  assessment (which takes place next week).


Monday, February 1, 2021

Unit 23 Lesson 6 - Complete and Upload all work onto blogs. One to one feedback

 Today you will use the two hours in lesson to complete all work set for Unit 23 so far.

Go over all of my Unit 23 lessons set and double check all work is complete in full and posted with correct title on your blog.

I will be marking all work in preparation for your parents evening.

I will ask each of you to join me individually to have a one to one chat.

I will be starting today with Zak, Derri & Tom then I will invite others throughout the two hour lesson.

Unit 3 Lessons 7 & 8 (Task 4) Post Production Techniques and Processes

  Virtual Tutor: EXAMPLE: Go to Learning Outcome 4 on above ...